Early Childhood Development and Education program (8am - 12:30pm)
BbP has developed a comprehensive PNG-focused Literacy, Numeracy and Awareness Curriculum to prepare 5-year-old children for school. The curriculum is taught at all Library Learning Centres (LLCs) by BbP's Teacher-Librarians, who receive annual training and are supported throughout the year via in-library training. The children are enrolled in February and graduate in December.
The 5-year-old children attend the ECDE program in 2 sessions every morning from Monday to Friday. The program includes teaching of English, BbP's phonics routines, general health awareness, PNG cultural knowledge, numeracy, problem solving, digital learning (via the BbP Learning app) and educational field trips. The children are encouraged to borrow and take books home every day.
A minimum of 1200 5-year-old children currently benefit from this high quality ECDE program every year. BbP has taught thousands of children from disadvantaged communities to read and be school ready since the organisation was founded in 2007. The annual number of beneficiaries is set to substantially increase as BbP expands the establishment of LLCs and provides training to teachers and community educators, enabling them to set up their own early childhood development programs.
Building solid foundations
The BbP ECDE program has been developed in-house to suit the needs of PNG’s children.