Organising a book drive will make a world of difference to the children of PNG!
You can help Buk bilong Pikinini establish libraries for the children of Papua New Guinea by collecting books for us. Buk bilong Pikinini is grateful for the almost one million books we have received so far and we are looking forward to collecting many more with your help.
Many PNG children have never seen a new book, as the few public libraries in the country are very run down and only stock books from the 1950-1970 period. Book shops are rare and out-of-reach to most families but the children DO love and appreciate books so PLEASE keep them coming our way!
Please see our wish lists and photo gallery at the bottom of this page.
A small Primary school in Western Province. This school has no books at all.
With your assistance we can support more schools like this across Papua New Guinea.
We love to receive your books.
“Gently-used” or new books would be most welcome. The children here are enrolled at Hagara Primary School in Port Moresby together with 2000 other children. Prior to the establishment of our Library Learning Centre there were no books at the school.
Thank you for helping us make PNG children happy readers!
How do I organise a book drive/make a book donation? All you need to start a book drive is the energy and passion to make a difference. With the support of your school, church or family you can collect books, box them up and drop the boxes to a depot near you.
Please email Anne-Sophie annesophie@bukbilongpikinini.org to register your interest so we are aware of your collection and can answer any questions you may have.
Where do I start? There are three steps to your book drive – collecting, packing and shipping.
STEP 1: Collecting
Please collect “gently-used” or new books. (Please consult our wish-list below for inspiration).
STEP 2: Packing
The books need to be packed in small boxes. We find a wine box is the perfect size. If the boxes are too large you and our volunteers will be unable to lift them.
Print the label and the Consignment note (Shippers letter of Instruction). You can find all labels and forms to be filled out on our shipping page.
STEP 3: Shipping
Once your books are ready to ship follow the instructions on our Shipping instructions’ page: –
If you live in the ACT the books can be dropped to the High Commission of Papua New Guinea – 39-41 Forster Crescent in Yarralumla.
Please email annesophie@bukbilongpikinini.org call our Canberra office to speak with Anne-Sophie if you have any questions. +02 61201801 / 0405281339.
Additional information
We appreciate donations of puzzles, educational games and writing materials.
We accept dictionaries, reference books and atlas.
Please note that we do not have any computers or televisions in the libraries so do not send any DVDs, videos or computer games.
You may like to have a look at our wish list below for ideas and inspiration.
If you have photos of your book drive in action please email them to Anne-Sophie annesophie@bukbilongpikinini.org us and we will put you on this website.
Please do not forget to send us an email so we can thank you for your help with a certificate of appreciation. If you wish to have a photo of your book collection published on this website please attach it to the email.
Thank you!