Click here to download the BbP Training Brochure
We provide internal and external training for teachers and community educators.
Teacher and community educator training and up-skilling is the best way to support communities and teachers to increase literacy rates in the country.
Buk bilong Pikinini has developed a comprehensive PNG focused early childhood development curriculum, which includes teachers’ guides, teaching aids and classroom materials, which underpin our Library Learning Centre program.
We train our own Teacher-Librarians and also provide comprehensive up skilling support for teachers and community educators across PNG. Our program also includes teaching in library management, book loans and stock management. BbP has been working to support schools, often in the vicinity of a BbP LLC, with training and up-skilling of teachers and community educators to ensure that the children graduating from our Early Childhood Education program can have a successful transition to school and ensure that their learning continues. According to the National Research Institute, “Many elementary teachers in PNG are year 7 or 8 drop-outs” and are in great need of support to improve their teaching, classroom management, behaviour strategies and lesson planning. Their daily teaching is made more difficult by the lack of materials, support and over-crowed classrooms.”
Get in contact today
If you would like to support teachers or community educators in your community with training, teaching resources and books please see our brochure and video below.
Please contact Leanne Resson at leanne@bukbilongpikinini.org so we can give you a quote to match your needs.
Please find our teacher training brochure below