University of Papua New Guinea
The campus grounds of the University of Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby welcomed the eighth Buk bilong Pikinini library in October 2011. The library was established with support from Oxford University Press and Hastings Deering and has been a very welcome addition to the services provided to settlement communities in the area.
Brownwyn Whight, CEO of the Sir Brian Bell Foundation with the children and our teacher Joseph at UPNG. The foundation sponsors 5 Library Learning Centres, our Inclusive Education program, book publishing and more.
Generously sponsored by: Sir Brian Bell Foundation
The UPNG library has become deeply integrated into the community and has supported hundreds of children since 2011. In 2013, the library received a visit from the then Australian Governor General Quentin Bryce and the Make a Mark Foundation, who received a warm welcome from the parents and children. The library also plays host to many of our large events due to the safe and green space which surrounds the LLC.

BbP UPNG Library Learning Centre