Importance of Early Childhood Education with Tania Bale

Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP) will this week be welcoming NCD North-East candidate Ms Tania Bale to our Library Learning Centre to talk to parents and members of the community about the importance of Early Childhood Education.


Ms Bale has had many years of experience in working to support children’s education both in Australia and PNG and has produced two documentaries for BbP, which documents the great impact Early Childhood Education has on a child’s general education outcomes and career choices. If elected, Ms Bale wishes to work with Buk bilong Pikinini and others towards providing greater opportunities for young children to access early education, for teachers to be better trained and for schools to have access to books and teaching materials.


She said: “I believe strongly in the development of this nation's most important resource, it's people. Education is the key to this development and it must be quality education. The People's Party policy has a goal to lift Education standards to Australian levels. Early Childhood Education is critical to achieving this. Acquiring literacy and gaining a love for reading books unlocks the potential of our people to create and do great things. 


As your member for Moresby North-East plan to bring early Childhood learning centres to all 4 wards in our district partnering with organizations such as Buk bilong Pikinini as we strive towards our shared goal to leave no child behind.”


Ms Bale will visit the library and will be reading to the 5-year-old children enrolled in BbP’s Early Childhood Education program.


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Warehousing support continues