Eco-exploration at the Port Moresby Nature Park. Observe and learn activity. How a Magnifying Glass builds children’s science skills
250 5-year-old students, from some of Buk bilong Pikinini (BbP) Library Learning Centres in Port Moresby, have today had the opportunity to go on a field trip to the Nature Park to learn basic science skills. Armed with magnifying glasses the children took to the park with a mission to have a closer look at nature.
“At this age, children’s critical-thinking skills and fine-motor skills have developed to the point where they can start using simple tools,” said BbP’s Chairperson and Founder, Anne-Sophie Hermann. “Magnifying glasses help kids see things they’ve never seen before, like small insects, leaves and flowers close-up. It opens up a whole new world to them. Indeed, young children’s brains are hardwired for exploration and observation—two things that just so happen to be early science skills.”
“Using magnifying glasses to look at the veins on a leaf or body parts of insects gives children new things to think about, when they then write about or draw pictures of what they see—it also gives these budding scientists a literacy-skills boost” she added.
The visit is part of the organisation’s Literacy Week celebrations, which has a strong focus on literacy, numeracy and cultural knowledge. BbP’s Literacy Week activities have been sponsored by ExxonMobil PNG. For the eco exploration BbP has received additional support from Ilimo Dairy Farm, Steamships Limited, and Port Moresby Nature Park.