World Ocean Day

Wednesday 8th June, marks World Ocean Day, with the theme “ Lives and Livelihoods”

Buk bilong Pikinini Library Learning Centre students and Librarians at Tatana Island have today celebrated World Ocean Day in a very special way. 15 Mangrove trees were planted to commemorate the organisation’s 15th anniversary this year.


The children learnt about the theme for World Ocean Day “Lives and livelihoods” and what that would mean for us today and the future.

What we could do to create a clean ocean for us today, tomorrow and our future generations. Their teacher Ms Jenny Akop carried out a painting activity with the children and then read a story with the students – “My village: Tatana Island “published by Buk bilong Pikinini.


The children greatly enjoyed learning about the importance of the Mangroves in our eco system and starting a community Mangrove replanting project, by replanting 15 mangroves seedlings along the shore of Tatana village.


Teacher Librarian Mr Goada Vagi, told his story of how he once took part in mangrove planting many years ago when he was in Primary school. The project this was led by a village elder, the late Bill Nawari, who took the youths and young people who did not do anything in their village and taught them the importance of the Mangroves. Goada shared that they planted mangroves along the shore from Tatana Village to Idubada and also in some parts of Pari village. That was about 17 years ago.  Today’s activity was very important not only for the children’s education but for the whole village community. It is very important to continue this tradition by helping our ocean environment. Mangroves are important in the ocean and sea ecosystem and helps to fight erosion.


It was an honour for Buk bilong Pikinini, to involve the children in this important replanting and at the same time commemorating the organisations’ 15th anniversary.

Buk bilong Pikinini would also take this opportunity to congratulate CPL on their 35th anniversary in PNG and to thank CPL founder Sir Mahesh Patel, Chairman for the CPL foundation and CEO Navin Raju for their outstanding long-term support for the Library Learning Centre on Tatana Island.


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